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Mijn project heeft nog een naam nodig. Tot nu toe refereer ik naar mijn afstudeer project als, nou ja, "mijn afstudeer project". Dat is een hele matige titel om op een expo te zetten.

Na redelijk uitgebreid te kijken naar verschillende mogelijke namen die de lading dekken van wat ik aan het doen ben kwam ik uit op Sleepkit. Op het moment dat ik deze naam opschreef besefte ik me dat dit project erg geschikt is om een vervolg te krijgen als open source project.

Toch besloot ik een dag later om Sleepkit niet als naam te gebruiken, maar het minder descriptieve Onæri. Een descriptieve naam kan erg handig zijn in het begin, als nog niemand weet waar je het over hebt, maar een niet descriptieve naam blijft vaak beter hangen. Bovendien is een descriptieve naam bijna niet te beschermen, waardoor logo verkoop onmogelijk wordt.

Onæri komt van het Griekse Oneiri Ὄνειροι wat "dromen" betekend. De aangepaste spelling is zodat ook Engelsen het correct uitspreken. Andere manieren van spellen zijn Onaeri of Onari.

Onæri Mission statement

Onæri is a collobarative open source project aimed at creating sleep improving applications of technology that follow the same basic philosophies:

Science driven

An application concept is only worth pursuing if it has a sound scientific basis.

Accessible hardware

An application should be designed to work on hardware accessible by consumers, preferably worldwide.

Designing something on a piece of hardware that nobody else can get their hands on is just a waste of time. An extention of this statement is that Sleepkit does not work with specialistic lab equipment.


Onæri applications should always be able work together.

No micro-management

The human body is pretty good in micro-managing its sleep processes. A Sleepkit application leaves the tweaking of specific sleep elements to the body and focussus on the broader elements.

Think of it as a doctor stitching a cut. The doctor leaves the realignment of every individual muscle fiber to the body and instead focussus on allowing the body to do its thing.

Onæri website

A project like Onæri can only be succesfull when there are actually people working on it. Because of this a healthy community is vital. My vision for the community is a combination of those who know the science and those who know how to make an application.

The basis for such a community can best be build on the internet because it will allow people around the word to participate. Here are some ideas for the content of such a website:

Open forum

Fora are great places for discussion between peers with minimal interference in the form of moderation. All held discussions are stored for future reference and can be easily referred to by linking making it easy to build on a previous discussion. These attributes make fora great places to talk about more complicated subjects like scientific research and technical isssues.

Some of the main subfora would be:

  • General
  • Science
  • Design
  • Technical execution

Project blog

A place where updates about the project can be given. Unlike the forum adding content here is not available for everyone. This is the main communication from the community to the outside world. Some of the things written here could be:

  • Weekly community update (text/video)
  • Notable news (text/video)
  • Release notes (text)


Finding data about sleep research proved difficult in my endevours, so maintaining raw and processed data can make desk research a lot more productive. It also allows data designers to make cool stuff and thus spread the name.

Social media

All outside communication can also be linked to various social media outlets.

Tagged under: Week 12,